Hero of the Month: D.A.W.G.S., a shelter run entirely by kids!

Hard workers who are committed to helping our county’s shelter animals come in all shapes and sizes.  The Dalhart Animal Wellness Group and Sanctuary in Texas’ panhandle is proof positive of that!

This very special rescue group is run almost entirely by children.  One historic spring in 2003 school teacher Dianne Trull was talking to her students about pet over population and one child earnestly inquired, “Why do the dogs have to die?”

Able to grasp the power in that moment and unwilling to tell her students that they were powerless to help these desperate animals, Diane instead took it upon herself to empower these young leaders.  As Diane puts it, together her students, her family and she set out to “change how the world works.  And change the world they have done indeed–in spite of tremendous obstacles– for themselves and the over 5,000 dogs and cats they have placed in loving homes!

Diane’s commitment and that of her students was tested early on when the community forced them out of their existing shelter and they had to move over 500 animals during a blizzard to another nearby location.  Regardless of season, the weather in Dalhart continues to pose some of the most challenging obstacles; Wind speeds get up to 70 mph and temperatures can range from 70 degrees one day to below zero the following day…not to mention tornados and hurricanes that frequent the area.

However, D.A.W.G.S. founder Diane is reluctant to focus on these challenges. She invariably brings the conversation back to focus on the animals saved and the amazing kids who, now in high school and mentoring other young students, are still hard at work helping the animals.

In an effort to protect the shelter from the forces of nature, D.A.W.G.S.  is now enrolled in a USDA conservation program that will match the funds they raise to build a natural windbreak out of trees. This is yet another challenge for the amazing team at D.A.W.G.S, a challenge we have no doubt they will meet.  Especially if we all put the word out and show them that they have the support of all of us. See: http://www.dawgsntexas.com/HTML/newdonations2007.html if you’d like to help.

And with volunteers like fourth grader Hannah, we know the D.A.W.G.S.   animals are in great hands; According to Hannah, the shelter is like “the little engine that could–we just keep thinking we can, thinking we can, thinking we can….and finally we make it!”

Adopt-A-Pet.com on Martha Stewart

If you didn’t catch the Dog Show on Martha Stewart, Adopt-A-Pet.com’s Pia Salk spoke about pet adoption with Martha joined by a well behaved pet in need named Benjamin. Pia discussed with Martha the reality of pet over population, mentioned a few tips about adoption, and showed viewers how to use adopt-a-pet.com. The entire clip can be found over at Martha Stewart’s website. You’ll also find a number of other videos from the Dog show, along with several fun do-it-yourself pet projects.

Big News…we're promoting pet adoption with Martha Stewart

Exciting news!  If all goes as planned, Adopt-a-Pet.com will be featured on the Martha Stewart Show next Wednesday, March 18th!  We’re heading to NY to join our friends from Purina on a show entirely dedicated to all things pet.

Tune in to see Pia Salk talking about the beauty of pet adoption.  She’ll even introduce a couple of adorable dogs needing homes.  We bet they won’t be homeless for long after they’re featured on national TV.  We hope that a lot of people from all over the country will be inspired to adopt a pet from their local shelter or rescue group and will learn that Adopt-a-Pet.com is a great resource to assist in their quest for a perfect match.

Traveling With Pets Guide

Traveling With Pets GuideWhat better way to really connect with your furry companion than to vacation together, and you don’t even have to pack an extra bathing suit for your pet. Of course, sometimes we travel with a pet because we must, like during a cross-country move. Whatever the reason, everybody (including your pet) needs to get to where they are going safe and sound. Here are a few tips from our traveling guide.

5 Tips When Traveling With Pets

  • Make sure the pet has proper identification.
  • Label your pet’s carrier prominently with your name, address, and
    phone number.
  • Consider your flight schedule and any time your pet might be outside being moved in and out of the plane.
  • Book a direct flight with no layovers.
  • Never sedate your pet before a flight without consulting your veterinarian first.

These are just a few of the many tips you can read in our complete Traveling With Pets Guide.