Good News In Pet Adoption 8.29

This week we bring you two stories, first a couple of pilots who transported 18 puppies to enable them to be adopted. Second, a PA kennel is shutdown and 200 dogs are moved out of bad conditions.

Two Pilots in Florida literally save the lives of 18 puppies
– Tod Peavy, a Gainesville pilot, flew the pups from Athens to Lynchburg, Va., where another pilot, Steve Hall, flew them to Bridgeport, Conn., for a huge adoption event this weekend. The dogs were initially rescued from the “kill lists.”

Pennsylvania breeding kennel is shutdown, 200 dogs are rescued and moved to a better place.

Running & Biking With Your Dog

Being active with your dog can add some spice to the otherwise mundane task of regular exercise. If you have an energetic dog chances are they will love the exercise, and if you find your K9 bouncing off the walls and getting into trouble burning off that extra energy will help give you a little more quiet time at night. Running and biking are two good ways to help exercise both owner and pet. Here are some things to consider before you get out there.

    • Consider your dog’s overall physical condition before embarking on an exercise plan with him. If he’s older or overweight, the stress of running may be too much pressure on his joints. You might like to check with your veterinarian prior to starting.
    • Just like you, your dog needs to build up his endurance and strength over time to prevent injury and burn out. Start out slowly and watch him for signs of fatigue and overheating.
    • Since your dog doesn’t wear cushy sneakers, choose grass and dirt trails that are easy on his paws and check his pads periodically for cuts or injury.
    • If your going to bike you need to keep you and your pet safe. Ever see those clips of a dog running away from a rollerblader or biker. Don’t be that person. Invest in a leash that is made for biking.

These tips are brought to you by

Shepard Fairey "Lead by Example" stickers now available!

All you pet loving trailblazers will want to check out our new Shepard Fairey “Lead By Example” gold ADOPT stickers! Post them everywhere and share with friends, your vet and stores in your community. They are fun to hand out at the dog park too! Help the world see that adoption not only saves lives, but it’s hip too!

Good News In Pet Adoption 8.14

This week we bring you two stories, first a pet saving story that spans from Puerto Rico all the way to East Hartford. Second, a NM women who helps military dogs live a healthy retirement.

Rescued Dogs: From Puerto Rico To Connecticut
– A East Hartford women helps take a bite out of pet over population in Puerto Rico.

NM woman works to get military dogs adopted. Debbie Kandoll works with the military and law enforcement to find retired dogs a loving home. Read more about here website and experience with German Sheppard transitioning from the Military to civilian life.

The Adopt A Pet Diet

If your like many of us, keeping in shape often becomes a tireless and frustrating task. We all know the benefits of exercise and eating healthy. The tricks and secrets being sold in diet plans are numerous. But, have you ever consider that adopting a dog will help improve your health, and drop a few extra pounds?

Puppies are like kids, they bounce around all day learning things, getting into trouble and having fun. Just like a kid, puppies need to burn off all sorts of energy everyday and get plenty of exercise in order to grow into healthy adults. Playing, training, walking and running with your new puppy are all activities that will get you up and moving. Plus, if you adopting a dog you’re saving the life of an animal who otherwise may not have been given the chance of having a loving owner.

Studies have shown owning a pet can reduce stress which will help reduce heart disease, promote family bonding, and reduce loneliness. Turn an otherwise mundane task into an exciting one, your newly adopted pet will pour out lots of love in return! Does a treadmill do that?

How to Adopt a New Pet: Tips I Learned the Hard Way

This post comes from Jenn Curran, who co-owns the new bakery, Fanny & Jane. Jen is a member of comedy groups, Harvard Sailing Team and The Baldwins. Jen lives in Brooklyn with her boyfriend, Kevin and has two cats. You can learn more about Jen at her blog. In this post Jen shares what she has learned about cat adoption…

“When my beloved cat Floyd passed away unexpectedly at a young age, I knew that I’d be adopting another cat very soon. Floyd was stubborn, opinionated and sometimes disagreeable. And he destroyed a number of my more valuable possessions. But he was also cuddly, loving and such a grand presence in our home that I could not imagine life without him. My boyfriend and I are lucky enough to have another wonderful cat named Chawser – a gentle, playful tabby who was also very sad when his good buddy Floyd died.

We walked into the adoption center one Sunday afternoon intending to walk out with another adult male cat. Instead, we left with a female kitten – a stunning Maine Coon. She felt so slight in my arms, almost frail. I couldn’t help myself. We brought her home that same day, very glad to have little Kaia in our lives.

Despite our sunny outlook, the first few days were difficult, to say the least. Kaia was not happy about her recent transition and neither were we. The subway ride home had been a shock for her, she hated Chawser, and she refused to be touched. In fact, she spent the first evening in our home collapsed in my lap in some kind of trauma-induced coma. She spent the first week living in her carrier, only venturing out when we were asleep or not home. We wondered what terrible circumstance she’d been through to make her so untrusting and sensitive, and we worried she’d never adjust. No matter how often we tried to coax her or how gently we tried to pet her, she wanted nothing to do with us.

So we were shocked when, one night a couple weeks later, she suddenly and unceremoniously ventured out of the bathroom! And into the living room! Where there were people! And another cat! Just walked right out as though she lived here too. It was a tiny gesture, but it meant a lot to us. Plus, we finally got a good look at her and she was absolutely beautiful, with a long fluffy tail, interesting markings all over her head and paws and fierce, expressive gray eyes. Apparently she just needed to do things at her own pace.

Kaia has been a reluctant but well-fed part of our family for about two months now and I’m happy to report that she’s warmed up considerably. She’s still occasionally grouchy and particular but now she trots onto our bed in the morning for head rubs and back scratches and she’s very interested in everything happening around her. Chawser and Kaia fight and scratch and bite each other, but every once in a blue moon we catch them cuddled up together.

During those first difficult weeks, the best thing we did for Kaia was to be flexible to her moods and needs. The worst thing we did for her was to try to force her to adapt faster than she was willing.

Although I’m not an expert, I have learned a lot from adopting cats over the years, especially from this recent challenge. So here are a few things I’ve found helpful to keep in mind when adopting a new pet:

  • Do your research. Research adoption centers, read reviews and get recommendations. Once you select a pet, research the kind of animal she is and any special needs she may have. If you already have another pet, research how to successfully introduce the two animals – there are right and wrongs ways.
  • Listen carefully. Find out as much information as you can from the adoption center about your new pet’s history so that you can anticipate her needs. Be sure to listen very carefully to any specific details the adoption center might provide – anything from special medicines to eating habits.
  • Call your vet. Once you bring your new pet home, make an appointment so your vet can meet the new pet and assess her health.
  • Be flexible and compassionate. If a cat behaves one way in the adoption center, she might behave another way in a new home, so plan to be flexible to her needs and desires. In most instances, you will have no way of knowing exactly what this animal has been through before ending up in your home. Remember that any strange or bad behavior is not her fault.
  • Be firm and consistent but never frightening. This animal has no choice but to entrust her life to you. You are wise to gently enforce your household rules early on so she learns, but keep in mind that she will be scared and unsure in the first few days. Use this time to be firm, build trust and help her feel safe in her new home.
  • Be available. Especially if you’re introducing your new pet into a home where another animal already lives, plan to be available to help aide in your new pet’s transition. Don’t adopt her and then take a vacation. Even if she’s living in the laundry room for the first few days, spend time in her presence so that she can become accustomed to your smell and your demeanor.
  • Give up a favorite sweater. Okay, it doesn’t have to be a favorite sweater, but donate a well-worn piece of your clothing to your pet – something you can put near her food bowl or where ever she’s sleeping so that your scent is something she associates with a relaxed and safe feeling.
  • Expect changes every day. Animals can surprise us with their resiliency. After a few weeks or months of firm consistency and loving care in your home, your new pet’s personality will probably change for the better. Reward this and be sure to reinforce it by spending lots of quality time together.
  • Enjoy your new family member! You’ve done a wonderful thing by adopting a pet into your home and she will hopefully reciprocate the gesture by being a loyal and loving companion. Enjoy it.

Mapping Pets In Need

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