The Happy Healthy Pet Guide


The following article has been provided courtesy of Petplan pet insurance, who is also offering an exclusive 10% discount on policies to supporters. To learn more visit Petplan.




As a pet parent, taking care of four-legged friends is your number one priority—and keeping pets fed, watered, exercised and happy is just the beginning!

Pets need more than tail wags and tummy rubs to stay in tip-top shape. Here are the basic necessities for keeping furry friends fit and healthy for years to come.


1  Make mealtime count

Feeding your pet a nutritionally-complete, balanced diet – and feeding him the appropriate portions of that diet – is one of the biggest keys to ensure a lifetime of good health. When choosing food, always read labels and steer clear of anything containing a lot of meat byproducts or ingredients that sound like a chemistry experiment. Don’t be afraid to try protein sources other than the “typical three” (chicken, beef and pork). Fish-based diets are healthy, deliver inflammation-fighting Omega-3s and have a smaller impact on the planet. Remember: cats are natural carnivores and only cat food meets their nutritional needs—so no sharing food with the dog!


2  Snack smartly

Experiment with natural treats such as fresh veggies like carrots and celery. For a special treat, share an egg, chickpeas or plain yogurt to pack a punch of valuable vitamins into snack time. When it comes to chew treats, NEVER give a dog a bone – the fragments can splinter when chewed and cause serious damage to your dog’s intestines. Opt instead for tough rubber toys or Himalayan yak milk dog chews, and always supervise your pet while he’s chewing.


3  Keep both body and mind in motion

Not only does regular exercise make for a strong, healthy pet, but it also helps prevent obesity – one of the most devastating preventable conditions. Your vet can recommend a specific exercise regimen based on your individual pet’s age, breed and health. Being active keeps hearts healthy, aids in digestion and helps build confidence and curb bad behaviors. Boost brain function with mental gymnastics like puzzle toys, hunting for dinner or treats and obedience training (yes, even cats can be trained!). Keeping your furry friend’s synapses firing will ward off age-related cognitive decline and keep your pet sharp well into his golden years.


4  Take proper precautions

When you bring a new pet home, one of the first things you need to do is to make his first vet appointment. There, your vet will counsel you on the cornerstones of responsible pet ownership: spay/neuter, vaccines, microchipping and parasite prevention.

Altering your pet protects against infections and certain types of cancer.

Vaccinations are important for giving your four-legged friend a foundation of good health.

Microchipping provides a permanent method of identification in case your pet ever gets lost.

Parasite prevention like flea and tick preventatives and heartworm prevention pills help keep your pet healthy, protected from disease and itch-free!


5  Don’t forget about dental health!

Protecting pets’ pearly whites means more than banishing bad breath. Dental disease doesn’t just affect the mouth; kidney, heart and liver disease have all been linked to bacteria entering the bloodstream from a dental infection. It’s estimated that by the age of 3 years, 70 to 80 percent of pets already show signs of periodontal disease, so it’s important to commit to a dental health regimen early. Brush your pet’s teeth once a day, and use dental treats, oral rinses and plaque-prevention gels to keep pearly whites well. Preventing periodontal disease can add two to five years to your pet’s life!


6  Get pet insurance for the unexpected

No matter how much you plan for your pet’s health, you can never really predict it, so getting a pet insurance policy for accidents and illnesses can help cover the cost of unexpected veterinary treatments (like when your Lab eats a hamper full of socks!). Look for a plan that covers hereditary and chronic conditions and reimburses you based on actual vet fees (not a benefit schedule). Protecting your pet with a health insurance policy takes the financial burden of vet bills off of your shoulders, so you can make decisions about your pet’s medical care based on what’s best for him – not on cost. believes pet insurance is important for all furry friends. To give you a leg up on getting a policy, Petplan is offering a 10% online discount to fans. Learn more


Pros and Cons of Backyard Hardscaping for Pets

Creating a pet-friendly environment that minimizes wear and tear on your yard can be challenging. If you’re tired of pet-related blemishes ruining your landscaping, consider hardscaping. Here are 3 pros and 3 cons of hardscaping.




#1 Less digging

Dogs who enjoy digging can cause serious headaches for their owners. Hardscaping is an easy way to prevent dogs and neighborhood wildlife from digging up your yard.


#2 Healthy landscaping

Hardscaping minimizes mowing and pet-related damage. In particular, pet urine can be disastrous for your lawn — brown spots and dead plants will ruin any attractive landscape. If you have multiple pets, a hardscape can considerably enhance the look of your yard.


#3 Easy to maintain

A flat hardscape is easier to keep clean. When choosing a hardscape, be sure to opt for a material that is smooth and simple to maintain.




#1 Potential stains

While concrete and other types of hardscaping are easy to clean, they can be vulnerable to stains. Make sure to choose a darker material that doesn’t yield stains. Also, consider applying a sealant in frequently “used” areas.


#2 Lots of care

Pets naturally prefer softer areas for sleeping. Hardscaping can make it difficult for your pet to relax. If you decide to adopt hardscaping, make sure to provide your pet with outdoor bedding.


#3 Less natural appeal

A well-balanced landscape that incorporates both traditional and hardscape features can be aesthetically pleasing. But, too much hardscaping can detract from your yard’s inviting appearance. While hardscaping offers various benefits to pet owners, it’s important to consider the aesthetics involved in landscape design as well.



Hardscaping is a fantastic way to minimize yard maintenance. But, it’s also important to balance hardscaping with lush, easy-to-maintain plants. Take some time to research pet-friendly yards in order to get some ideas for your own home.


Written contribution by Andrea Davis, Home Advisor.

Pet First-Aid & CPCR Saves Lives!

Veterinarian and Cat

Has your pup’s tail ever been closed in a door, or have you discovered ticks on your gorgeous long-haired cat?  What would you do if you found a dog in a parked car on a warm day (anything above 70°F is considered too warm to living an animal in)? How about if your terrier looks more like a bulldog from swelling caused by a bee sting or snake bite?  Bandaging, removing parasites and treating heat stroke and upset tummies are basic Pet First-Aid skills every pet parent should possess.

April is National Pet First-Aid Awareness Month, and although it is a topic pet parents should have on their minds year-round, this is a great time to make sure you are PAWpared with both great skills and an up-to-date kit. Although veterinarians are the experts, most of us are not lucky enough to have a vet velcroed to our hip 24/7.  Even if you live with 5 people in your home, odds are that when the cat stops breathing or the dog cuts his paw…you will be home alone and it will be after veterinary hours.  To be a pro-active pet parent, you MUST know how to rescue Rover or help Fluffy feel better BEFORE professional medical care is available.  What happens in those first few moments after the onset of injury or illness, can truly make a difference in your best friend’s recovery.

Preventable accidents are the leading cause of death among pets, and according to the American Veterinary Association (AVMA) 9 out of 10 dogs and cats can expect to have an emergency during their lifetime.  Do you know how to stay calm and jump to the task?

By knowing Pet First Aid, you can:
•    Lower your pet’s body temperature to prevent brain damage or death.
•    Minimize blood loss and prevent infection by properly bandaging a wound. Knowing where the critical arterial pressure points are on your pooch or kitty can be a lifesaver!
•    Alleviate choking with the doggie or kitty Heimlich-like maneuver.
•    Expel poison from your pet’s system by properly inducing vomiting.
•    Be the pump your pet’s heart can’t be, moving life-giving blood and oxygen throughout his body, until you can get him to professional medical help.
Pet First-Aid is by no means a replacement for veterinary care, and CPR (now Cardio Pulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation) is not a cure, but both can make a difference in the life of your pet.  Knowing these skills helps you work as a team with your veterinarian to help you best friend live a longer, happier, healthier life by your side.

This month, even before you get into a Pet First-Aid & CPCR Class, please do the following for your dog or cat’s sake:
1.    Down on all fours
Look at life from your dog’s perspective.  What appears as a neatly kept room from a 5’ 6” to 6’ 2” viewpoint is a completely different scenario 7” (Chihuahua) to 14” (Old English Bulldog) off the floor.  If it’s in paws reach, it’s fair game for even the most obedient canine.  Add to that their incredible sniffers! As humans we rarely notice the sweet aroma coming from our morning coffee, yet dogs can detect a spoonful of sugar in an Olympic-sized pool of water!  If it smells good, they might investigate more closely and that includes shelves, behind doors and countertops.  Cleaners and fertilizers not absorbed through paw pads will be ingested when your dog grooms himself, so take note of what you put on floors and the yard, choosing only pet friendly chemicals.

2.    Head-to-Tail check
Look your dog over from head-to-tail every week feeling for lumps and bumps. Notice if his skin his dry, his coat dull or shiny, if there is evidence of parasites (flea dirt or the actual critters), burrs or foxtails.  Anything you find early (especially a lump) may prevent a nightmare from occurring, so bring it to your veterinarian’s attention at onset.  Know your pet’s baseline vitals and pay attention to what he looks like when he stands/sits and how often he asks to go out. The more quickly you spot something ‘not quite right,’ the better chance of fixing it.  Never miss annual vet exams as each calendar year is equal to almost 7 years in the life of your dog, meaning a lot can change.

3.    Pet First-Aid Kit
Just like a carpenter or plumber, pet owners must have the right tool for the job.  So that you are prepared to bandage a wound, pull a tick or soothe an upset tummy, at the very least, have the following items on hand in an easily accessible place:
•    3% Hydrogen Peroxide to induce vomiting
•    Eye Wash (saline or purified water)
•    4″ X 4″ Gauze Squares and Gauze Roll
•    Adhesive Tape of Self-adhering Bandage
•    Cold Pack
•    Antibiotic Ointment
•    Needle-less Syringe or Eye Dropper
•    Digital Thermometer (dogs normally run 100.4°-102.5° F)
•    Styptic Powder to stop bleeding toe nails
•    Scissors & Tweezers
•    Antihistamine & Antacid Tablets
•    Portable Water Bowl, Bottled Water & Electrolytes
•    Leash to wrangle or muzzle a pet (flat faced breeds require a special muzzle)
•    Towel or Blanket to wrap an unruly puppy or use as a stretcher
•    Phone Numbers/Addresses of your Veterinarian & Animal ER
•    Pet First-Aid Handbook

4.    Animal ER
Drive there before you need to, so that you know where to enter, what services are offered and how they accept payment.  Don’t just program the number into your cell. When you have an ill or injured pet, you want to know which side of the street it is on and where the closest entrance is.

5.    Quality Time Daily
Pets are part of the family!  That’s why we bring them into our hearts and homes, so unplug from electronics when you take Rover on a walk, don’t mindlessly pet Fluffy while you’re reading a book. Animals are in the moment with us.  Give your best friend the same courtesy.  He’ll love you even more for it!

Denise Fleck is an award winning author and freelance writer.  After extensive training, practice, more training and more practice, she developed her own Pet First-Aid & CPCR curriculum and has been teaching animal life-saving skills for 16 years with many success stories to share.  Additionally, she developed a 5-month Animal Care course for high school students in conjunction with the Burbank Unified School District and Animal Shelter.  She has demonstrated animal life-saving skills on CBS –TV’s “The Doctors,” Animal Planet’s “Pit Boss,” “Kirstie Alley’s Big Life” and other shows and is emBARKing on a 10,000 mile Southern U.S. Pet Safety Tour this Fall.  Visit to find out if she’ll be stopping in a city near YOU!

Coldwell Banker knows who makes a house a home!

Hint: he’s furry and adores you

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As North America’s largest non-profit pet adoption website on a mission to find loving homes for every shelter pet, we know the importance of a home. A real home. One filled with love and laughter that serves as the backdrop for memories that last a lifetime with those we love most, whether they have 2 feet or 4 paws. That’s why we’re thrilled to be continuing The Homes for Dogs Project, a collaboration with Coldwell Banker, to help more shelter dogs find the loving homes they deserve.

Last year, the program resulted in 20,000 adoptions – that’s 20,000 amazing family pets saved from shelters who are now living the good life in a real home! To learn more about the Homes for Dogs project, check out