Can You Foster or Adopt During the Coronavirus Quarantine?

two adoptable white dogs

Schools are closed, restaurants are closed, gatherings are limited, and many people are avoiding public places altogether — life as we know it has changed dramatically over the last few days thanks to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Unfortunately, animal shelters and rescues have also been impacted by the disruptions caused by COVID-19.


Shelters Temporarily Closing

Due to requests from officials that Americans practice social distancing to reduce the spread of the virus, many cities across the country have basically shut down. Animal shelters and rescues are operating with a reduced workforce and some have had to close to the public or cancel events. It’s likely that many more will need to do so as more cities take steps to slow down the virus, which would halt pet adoptions, and possibly prevent new animals from coming in. The closures would also mean shelter pets will have fewer interactions with people. 

Help by Fostering

Those of us that are already spending more time at home may be able to help during coronavirus quarantines. Shelters across the country are urging animal lovers to foster while practicing social distancing. They are hoping to reduce the strain on pets, and their facilities, by moving as many animals as possible out of shelters and into foster homes. Fostering a pet typically means temporarily bringing an adoptable pet into your home while he or she waits for a more permanent home. Foster parents help prevent overcrowding in shelters, and can be especially helpful for animals that are stressed out or need special care. 

Consider Pet Adoption

If you are able to take in a pet permanently and live near a shelter or rescue that is still accepting adoption applications, right now is a perfect time to bond with a new pet. Since many of us are working from home, or have had to stop working altogether, there is more time available to train a new pet and really enjoy the early days of pet ownership. Studies have also shown that pets can lower stress levels, so a new puppy or cat may even help reduce some of the anxiety most of us are feeling. 


You can find an organization near you by searching through our site. Official announcements about the COVID-19 are changing rapidly so it is a good idea to call ahead and to find out if your local shelter is still open. If the shelters and rescues near you are no longer accepting adopters or fosters, you can also donate or contact a food bank to see if they are taking supplies.

Pets and Coronavirus: Preparing to keep the whole family safe from COVID-19

woman and dog wearing face mask

If you’ve been keeping up with the news — or reading your Facebook timeline — you’ve likely heard about the coronavirus (officially named COVID-19) and may be wondering what actions to take to keep yourself safe. And if you’re a proud pet parent, you’re probably also wondering how your pets might be affected.


The deadly virus that began as a handful of respiratory illnesses in central China has now made its way to more than 70 countries, and recently started spreading in the United States. With more than 3,400 global coronavirus deaths, it is understandable to feel a bit confused and uneasy about the coming weeks and months. The good news is that the fatality rate is expected to go down as more mild cases come to light, and so far there is no evidence that pets are at risk of contracting or spreading the virus. So, even if you don’t want to be shaking hands with the mailman right now, you can still give your dog a big ol’ snuggle to comfort you through this outbreak.


Health and government officials say the best we can do to keep ourselves safe is avoid panic, practice proper hygiene and social distancing, and prepare. Though the coronavirus was recently elevated to a pandemic, for most it presents as a mild infection, and as officials have said preparation is our best defense. The rapid spread of the virus serves as a reminder that we should always have an emergency preparedness kit ready. Your kit should include items for your pets and instructions should you be away from them.


In the case of COVID-19, there is likely no need to stock-pile months and months worth of items, but having some extras set aside in a kit in case you are quarantined at home or local stores are closed is a good idea. Here’s what to stock up on for your pets, with coronavirus closures on the horizon.


Two-week supply of food and water

dog with food bowlIt’s smart to have at least one extra bag of pet food on hand in case of any emergency, but with COVID-19 there are some additional things to keep in mind. Due to businesses and factories around the world temporarily shutting down due to coronavirus, pets may be hard to shop for as supplies may be low over the next few weeks. You can avoid long lines and potentially empty shelves at your local store by ordering online.

Though COVID-19 will likely not affect our water systems, all emergency kits should include enough water to last at least two weeks. Consider your pet’s water intake needs when you calculate how much water to stock up on.



bottles of dog medication


If your pet has specific medications she takes, it’s a good idea to have a two to three month supply on hand. You can speak to

your vet about concerns you have over COVID-19 and get your pet’s prescriptions filled early. If you’re already limiting your time out in public to minimize risk, you can even order your medications along with your other pet supplies.

Make sure to write out instructions for your pet’s medication and provide your vet’s contact information, in case you have to leave her with a friend or relative. It’s also important to include copies of your pet’s vaccination record and medical history in your kit.

Relief Items

Frisco brand poop bags
Some other non-food items that might be affected by a slow down in production include: fresh litter if you have a cat, poop bags, and urine cleaner. Purchase some extras to put in an emergency kit and to have on hand should stores run low. These will come in handy if you and your pet are stuck inside for an extended period of time.


Toys and Entertainment 

chihuahua playing with chew toy
Speaking of being stuck inside, the spread of COVID-19 has already led to flight cancellations and school closures. As communities work to stop the spread, more and more public places may shut down. This could mean your regular trip to the dog park might be cancelled for a while and keeping boredom at bay may start to be a real issue, especially if you have high energy pets. Prepare pets for coronavirus closures by purchasing fun toys for your pets to keep them mentally stimulated and so they can get their energy out while at home. We suggest a variety of toys including balls to fetch to ensure your pet is getting physical exercise and puzzles to keep her mind occupied.


Have a plan for pet care

girl kissing small dogLast, but not least, create a plan for your pet in case you do get sick and need to be away for an extended period. Talk to friends and family to figure out where your pets could stay if you are quarantined due to coronavirus. Pets may be able to stay with friends or family, but if that is not an option do some research on local boarding facilities and have a couple of options ready in case you need to be hospitalized. Make sure to write out instructions for their daily routine to make the transition easier.


We’ve all seen the crazy long lines at big box stores, and the memes about how hard it is to get toilet paper these days, but as officials have said, we do not need to panic. Situations like the one we are in with COVID-19 just serve as a reminder that we never know when an emergency will strike and to always have a plan in place. An extra treat for your best bud, some puppy (or kitty, or chinchilla…) snuggles, a solid Netflix queue, and a deep breath will also help with getting through this.