How to Prepare for Your Newly Adopted Rescue Dog


Woman cleaning up and preparing home for new dog

Ivan Ozerov / Stocksy

If you’ve adopted a rescue dog, you may be eager to start your new life together. But before you dive into all the fun, there are a few things you’ll need to check off on your list as a new pet parent. This includes stocking up on supplies, such as food, toys, and a leash, creating a safe space for your new dog, establishing house rules and training commands, and preparing both your human and four-legged family members, to name a few. Here’s everything you need to know to get ready for your new rescue dog.

Before the big day

Finding the right dog to adopt is the first step, but that’s only the beginning. Follow these tips before bringing home a rescue dog, and you’re set up to reap all the benefits pet parenthood has to offer.

Prepare the family

Welcoming a new rescue dog into your home is an experience that involves everyone in the family — including other pets. To ensure a smooth transition, it’s helpful to plan out pet-related chores together so everyone is involved in caring for your new rescue dog.

  • Assign and schedule walks, grooming sessions, and training exercises.
  • Align the whole family on a daily and weekly plan to create consistency and routine for your newly adopted dog.
  • Teach kids and adults the importance of gentle interactions and respecting the dog’s boundaries.
  • For existing pets, create cozy spaces and safe zones where they can retreat if needed.
  • Plan to slowly introduce existing pets to the new dog in a controlled manner, allowing time for positive interactions.

Stock up on supplies

Before your new dog enters your front door, it’s important to have all the supplies they’ll need to stay happy and healthy in their new home. Every dog should have a collar, leash, ID tag, food and water bowls, a crate, and at least a few toys. You should also make sure you have basic grooming supplies on hand, such as nail clippers, a brush or comb, and shampoo. And lastly, you’ll want to have essential training supplies ready so you can start practicing those commands from the get-go. A harness, treats, and a clicker (if you want to do clicker training) are a great place to start. Oh, and don’t forget those poop bags.

Prepare your furniture

While most dogs see a couch as another cozy cuddle spot, some might view it as an enticing chew toy or scratching pad. Needless to say, if you don’t prepare your furniture for your new pup, it can take a big hit. Consider investing in durable, pet-friendly furniture covers or blankets to protect your sofas and chairs from potential muddy paws or playful antics.

Training and positive reinforcement are key; reward good behavior and gently discourage unwanted habits. Some pet parents opt for bitter apple spray to help eliminate chewing on furniture. For safety purposes, it’s advisable to secure taller furniture, such as dressers, to the wall to prevent any accidental tipping during lively moments of exploration.

Get your floors ready

When bringing home a rescue dog, it can be easy to forget about your floors, but this part of your home can present major safety issues if not taken into account. Start by identifying areas with floors that you’d prefer to keep paw-print-free, and consider using gates or barriers to keep your dog from going into those zones. For staircases, secure non-slip carpets with pet-friendly tape to prevent any accidental slides. Sweep and vacuum to ensure floors are free from debris and tiny, sharp objects that may be dangerous for curious pups.

Create a safe space

Creating a cozy and safe haven for your new rescue dog is like setting up their very own VIP lounge. Start with a comfy crate, lined with soft blankets to provide a snug retreat. Make sure there’s a water bowl within paw’s reach and a few quiet and safe toys to keep them entertained. Lastly, ensure the space is at a comfortable temperature, especially during extreme weather. This retreat should be a place where they can feel safe, secure and in control.

Have a training plan

Craft a training plan for your new rescue dog before they come home to really set them up for success. Decide who in the family will take the lead on training responsibilities and consider whether hiring a professional trainer is a good fit for your dog’s unique needs.

Use training methods that promote positive reinforcement, such as clicker training, to make learning a happy experience for both you and your dog. Establish a consistent routine, incorporating short, fun sessions to keep things engaging. And finally, clearly outline your training goals. Whether it’s mastering basic commands, addressing specific behaviors, or fostering a deeper bond, having a shared training vision ensures everyone is on the same page.

Build a routine

Routine is one of the most important ways to make a dog feel safe and secure. When they know what to expect, it creates a comforting rhythm to their day, provides them with a sense of predictability, helps build trust, and reduces anxiety. Start by establishing regular times for feeding, walks, training, and play sessions. Routine is especially important for rescue dogs who may feel stressed in a new environment, so the more consistency you can create, the better.

Set up a potty area

When it comes to doing their business, potty area management can go a long way in helping them stay consistent. Begin by choosing a specific spot in your yard, preferably away from high-traffic areas. Introduce your pup to this space during bathroom breaks, using positive reinforcement when they go potty there. Regularly clean the area to maintain a fresh environment, encouraging your pup to return when it’s time to go next. Remember, consistency is key.

Dog-proof your home

Aside from preparing your floors and furniture for your new family member, there are other areas of your home that should be dog-proofed.

  • Keep potentially toxic items such as certain foods, medications, and cleaning supplies safely stored.
  • Invest in sturdy trash cans with secure lids to prevent any impromptu scavenger hunts.
  • Keep doors and windows closed and locked to prevent escapes.
  • Use gates and barriers to block off any unsafe areas of the home.

Once you’ve done that, take a walk through your home from a dog’s-eye view, looking out for tempting cords, small objects that might be mistaken for toys, or anything else that could turn into an unintentional chew toy.

Be patient and consistent

Adopting a dog from a rescue is one of the most rewarding things you can do, but signing those adoption papers is just the first step. From the moment they walk through your door, it’s important to be patient with them as they navigate their new life in your home. Keep your routines and expectations consistent, providing a stable environment where they can gradually build trust and feel secure.

Just like humans, dogs need time to adjust and form bonds. So, celebrate small victories, from mastering a new command to moments of genuine connection. By being patient and consistent, you’ll see your rescue dog transform into your BFF.

FAQs (People also ask)

Are there additional tips to consider when adopting a rescue dog?

When it comes to dog adoption, the first thing you should do is choose a rescue dog that fits with your lifestyle and needs. Age, size, behavior, temperament, and underlying health conditions all play a role in this decision. And consider enrolling in basic obedience training classes to strengthen the bond between you and your new dog.

How long does it take a rescue dog to adjust to their new home?

The adjustment period for a rescue dog varies based on individual factors such as their background, experiences, and temperament, but expect to see big changes over the first three months. Some dogs may settle in quickly, while others might take a few weeks or even months to feel completely at ease. Be patient and understand that your rescue is adapting to a new environment, routine, and family.

Courtney Elliott, a proud Cleveland native living in Manhattan, blends her decade of writing and editing expertise with her unshakable devotion as a pet parent to her French Bulldog, Gus. When she’s not at her desk, you’ll find her frolicking in Central Park or engrossed in a good book at a local coffee shop.

Rescue Video: Dennis

Gabriel was skateboarding in across a bridge in L.A. one day when he came across an unexpected sight – an abandoned dog laying in filth, too weak to move. The dog was rail thin and covered in ticks. Gabriel, while not a rescuer himself, knew what to do. He called Eldad Hagar of Hope for Paws, who is known for helping even the most helpless of homeless dogs in Los Angeles. With Gabriel’s help, Eldad was able to rescue Dennis (as they then named him) and get him off to the hospital for emergency treatment. As you’ll see in the video, not every rescue has a happy ending (and we warn you that this is an extremely emotional video) but without people like Gabriel – heroes like Gabriel – abandoned pets like Dennis would never even be given the chance to survive. While we’re overcome with sadness over the tragic way this story ends, we are filled with hope that homeless pets have guardian angels because there are people like you and Gabriel in this world. To anyone who has ever acted on behalf of an animal in need, we thank you. <3

Coldwell Banker Real Estate and Launch Second Year of the Homes for Dogs Project

Dogs make every day awesome. This theme will continue as Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC, the original Silicon Valley real estate startup founded in 1906, extends the successful “Homes for Dogs Project” into 2016, which last year found homes for more than 20,000 dogs. The continuation of the campaign will provide more opportunities for Coldwell Banker® affiliated offices to join forces with local shelters and rescue groups through their association with

“There is no doubt that pets play a critical role in the emotional connection we have with the places we call home,” said Sean Blankenship, chief marketing officer for Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. “Last year’s ‘Homes for Dogs’ campaign was a truly integrated program, bringing together our national and local Coldwell Banker offices and more than 650 animal shelters nationwide. It was inspiring to see our brokers and agents come together with the shelter communities to find a home for home’s best friend.”

Driving over 8.5 million views online in 2015, the “Home’s Best Friend” commercial was rated the highest performing advertisement in the real estate category by AceMetrix, a leader in advertising measurement and analytics.The Coldwell Banker brand will launch another canine-centric commerical as part of a new television and online video campaign being released in March. Both ads will close by driving awareness of the Homes for Dogs Project. The brands will also host another National Pet Adoption Weekend in the fall.

“We continue to be motivated by the commitment Coldwell Banker has shown to help every animal have a loving family and a warm, snuggly place to call home,” said Abbie Moore, executive director of “With our combined efforts, we can bring together communities across the United States for one single mission – to find homes for loving pets who need to be adopted.”

More information about the “Homes for Dogs Project” can be found at

About Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC

Since 1906, the Coldwell Banker® organization has been a premier provider of full-service residential and commercial real estate brokerage services. Coldwell Banker Real Estate is the oldest national real estate brand and franchisor in the United States, and today has a global network of approximately 3,000 independently owned and operated franchised broker offices in 44 countries and territories with more than 88,000 affiliated sales professionals. The Coldwell Banker brand is known for creating innovative consumer services as recently seen by taking a leadership role in the smart home space, being the first national real estate brand with an iPad app, the first to augment its website for smart phones, the first to create an iPhone application with international listings and the first to develop an iPad application (CBx) to easily bring big data into home listing presentations Coldwell Banker is a leader in niche markets such as resort, new homes and luxury properties through its Coldwell Banker Previews International® marketing program delivering exceptional experiences for all consumers served.

About is North America’s largest non-profit pet adoption website. We help over 16,000 animal shelters, humane societies, SPCAs, pet rescue groups, and pet adoption agencies advertise their purebred and mixed breed pets for free to millions of adopters each month. Sponsored by the pet lovers at Purina, the Petco Foundation, and Bayer AnimalHealth LLC, we help homeless dogs, cats, and even rabbits and other animals go from alone to adopted. But we don’t stop there. also provides valuable information on the human/companion animal relationship to help keep pets healthy and successfully living in their loving homes. Visit our facebook page and blog for supportive content and articles, and our YouTube channel for entertaining and informative pet training videos, all produced by our staff of experts in animal training and behavior, as well as human psychology.